Dec 20, 2017
The hive was like Grand Central Station
"The hive was like Grand Central Station at rush hour. Commuters moving in every direction, purposeful, industrious, and functioning in...
Nov 27, 2017
The Story Collider
All the way back in June, I had the opportunity to attend the 2017 Communicating Science National Workshop. As part of that conference, I...
Oct 23, 2017
Gettin' buzzed with honey bees
Back in June, I attended the National Communicating Science Conference (#ComSciCon) in Cambridge, MA and one of the many awesome people I...
Apr 10, 2017
Faces of Fieldwork Feature
I was featured on Faces of Fieldwork, a campaign to put a human face on scientific fieldwork. Being a scientist doesn't mean you have to...
Jan 31, 2017
My recent stint in the lab
This past summer, I raised honey bees on different diets on the Tufts Vet School campus in Grafton, MA. I am interested in how those...