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The Story Collider

All the way back in June, I had the opportunity to attend the 2017 Communicating Science National Workshop. As part of that conference, I participated in a Story Collider workshop (which was incredible). And now, I am honored to say that I told a story at a local Story Collider show and my story made it onto the podcast!

You can listen to my science roadblock story and read the transcript here.

As always, THANK YOU to everyone who helped shape my story into something more than a "science story": Story Collider producers Ari Daniel and Christine Gentry; fellow story tellers Taj Azarian, Prabarna Ganguly, Gabriela Serrato Marks, and Megan Hatlen; and of course, my fiancé, Billy.

Science is so much more than robot-like people mechanically collecting data in a sterile lab. Science is passion, failure, success. It's asking questions and pursuing their answers. It can be done both inside and outside the lab. It can be done by everyone! I love how the Story Collider uses stories to bring science out of the "sterile lab" box and into everyday life, and I am honored to be a part of it!

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